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Welcome to Missouri City Little League. The goal of MCLL is to provide boys and girls the opportunity to play organized baseball, and teach them the importance of fair play, good sportsmanship, teamwork, competitiveness, and how to win and lose with dignity and class. The league should also provide an atmosphere conducive to wholesome community participation for family, friends, and other members of the community. For these things to come about, an atmosphere of cooperation, patience, goodwill, and sportsmanship must exist. All spectators, managers, and players will be expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is above reproach.

Please remember to always follow the Little League Parent Creed:

  • I shall set an example of sportsmanship for my child to follow.
  • I shall remember that only 9 or 10 children, depending on the division, can play at a time.
  • I shall remember that all officers, coaches, and auxiliaries are volunteers.
  • I shall not complain about anyone unless I have labored as much or more on Little League projects as they have.
  • I shall not criticize the umpires unless I am ready to assume their duties.

Concession areas are located in the center of the cluster of playing fields number 1 through 4. Soft drinks, hot dogs, candy, etc. are sold at the concession stand. Please keep the area clean and deposit all trash in the trash receptacles, as the area will only stay as clean as we keep it. Each team will clean up their dugout area at the completion of their game.

Banners, pennants, etc. can add to the spirit of the team. Each team that displays camaraderie and positive feelings among the parents will have a successful season. The players share those same positive feelings, almost without fail. Youngsters really enjoy having the support of parents and friends. Positive encouragement is ever so important as it leads to good team spirit and high player morale.

Missouri City Little League encourages and needs positive adult participation. Although the manager heads the team, the involvement and cooperation of the parents is essential to providing a positive experience for the children. Parents are encouraged to help out at practices, games and on the phone. Adults should behave in a way that sets a good example to the players. Good sportsmanship can only be learned with the example of proper behavior. Both sides should appreciate good play. Please do not become upset with calls made by the umpires. Accept and respect the job the umpires are doing.

Youngsters place a great deal of pressure on themselves, as do their peer groups. There is no need to add additional pressure. Encouragement and constructive criticism bring out the best in these youngsters. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited at games and practices. The use of tobacco in any form is also prohibited at the MCLL complex.

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